Tuesday, January 5, 2010

SEX - A Healthy Lifesyle?

Men do not have sex to stay healthy, but if they knew how good it was for them, they may. If doctors could, they may prescribe sex and intimacy for their male patients(take note this does not include the type of sex that got Tiger Woods in trouble). In fact, it is as important as exercise and diet to a man.

Study after study has declared that the more orgasms a man has, the longer he is likely to live. A study done with researchers at Queen University in Belfast tracked 1000 men from Wales who ranged in age 45 to 49 for a 10 years period. The men with the lowest frequency of orgasms were found to have twice the risk of death from many causes, heart attack in particular.

The researchers concluded that the men with the highest frequency of orgasms had a 50% reduction in mortality rates (close to the same reduction seen with eating fruits, vegetables and exercising everyday). What happens if you are one of those men who decide the way to get your daily orgasm is to hit the clubs with someone new each night? well you may lose the benefit. part of the sex benefit to a man's health is the "closeness he shares with his partner".

Couples who talk about their sex lives and explore together have greater sex lives. Although the reasons for sex vary for women and men, the fact is both women and men should have sex to stay healthy and contented in their relationships. For both men and women, sex is a sure cure for depression, stress and coping with the life's difficult situations.

( Adopted from : The Star )

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